How to schedule prompts for Black Friday and other time specific events
Step 1 - Duplicate email
Inside Alvas, find the email where you want to schedule new prompts.
Click the three dots, to open a sub menu.
Click duplicate.
Give the duplicated email a proper name, e.g. (Black Week) or (Christmas).
And then click duplicate again.
Step 2 - Change prompts in new mail
If you're scheduling for Black Friday, you should change the prompts, to let the AI know that it's Black Friday, and that it therefore should mention that in the email.
For example, you can prompt the subject line to talk about Black Friday like this:
And then also add it inside the Main Prompt like this:
Step 3 - Schedule prompts
Go back into the original email.
Click on the Schedule tab.
Add a new schedule.
Select the newly created email as the Temporary Email.
Set the start and end dates. These are the dates from when you want the temporary prompts from the newly duplicated email to take over.
Please note that the timezone are Copenhagen times.
Finally click Confirm.
Now you can see that the temporary prompts are scheduled for the future.
Once the current date is in between the dates you chose, the prompts will change, meaning that you don't have to change webhooks, mergetags or anything else inside Klaviyo, Drip or other integrations.